Picture: Werner “Zappi” Diermaier (Faust) by Ian Land (Collegium Hungaricum Berlin)
Picture: Werner “Zappi” Diermaier (Faust) by Ian Land (Collegium Hungaricum Berlin)

Werner “Zappi” Diermaier

Werner Diermaier (also known as Werner “Zappi” Diermaier) (born 1949) is a German drummer, best known as one of the founding members of the German krautrock band, Faust. Diermaier has remained with Faust for its entire lifespan and appears on all of their over 30 albums.

In 1969 Diermaier was a member of a German rock band called Campylognatus Citelli, with Hans Joachim Irmler (keyboards) and Arnulf Meifert (percussion). Later that year in Hamburg, at the suggestion of journalist and record producer Uwe Nettelbeck, they joined forces with another German rock group, Nukleus comprising Jean-Hervé Péron (bass guitar), Rudolf Sosna (guitar) and Gunther Wüsthoff (saxophone). The sextet became known as Faust and under the direction of Nettelbeck, they converted an old school-house near the village of Wümme, between Hamburg and Bremen into a studio, where they began working on their first album.


1. I didn’t found a new faust, it’s the continuation of Faust.

2. “Daumenbruch” is the name of the new album, because when we recorded the basic tracks, my thumb was broken.

3. Faust has always been a collective, and there is no boss or leader.


1. What is the biggest inspiration for your music?

There are many inspirations; I cannot list all of them. Most important: Sounds of nature and drum effects by Elke.

2. How and when did you get into making music?

My father was a musician and took me to his rehearsals when I was about 7. There was a drumkit on which I liked to play.

3. What are 5 of your favourite albums of all time?

It always changes from year to year. I like Beethoven’s Symphonies 3 and 6. I used to like the Rolling Stones and heard them a lot when I was young.

4. What do you associate with Berlin?

A better place to walk the dog than in the countryside, sometimes.

5. What’s your favourite place in your town?

Mauerpark and Asian restaurants.

6. If there was no music in the world, what would you do instead?

I would invent music.

7. What was the last record/music you bought?

Island Rock

8. Who would you most like to collaborate with?

– – –

9. What was your best gig (as performer or spectator)?

Pink Floyd long time ago and Austrian Stanzel.

10. How important is technology to your creative process?

My creative process does not depend on technology.

11. Do you have siblings and how do they feel about your career/art?

I don’t have siblings.