WordSound in Berlin

Definitely one of the best Events in Berlin this Year!

It’s that time again….Spectre….Sensational…Kouhei…hitting Europe. Here are the dates:

Oct 24 2008 at Kolbhalle, Koln
Oct 25 2008 at Recycle Art, Brussels
Oct 26 2008 at The Wurm, Rotterdam
Oct 27 2008 at Divan Du Monde, Paris
Oct 28 2008 at Lembobineuse, Marseille
Oct 31 2008 at MS Stubnitz, Amsterdam
Nov 1 2008 at Zoro, Leipzig
Nov 2 2008 at Bennewitz, Berlin (Kreuzberg)
Nov 4 2008 at Kalkbreit, Zurich
Nov 5 2008 at The Trainyard (Bauzug 3YG), Stuttgart
Nov 6 2008 at Rhiz, Vienna
Nov 7 2008 at Posthof, Linz
Nov 8 2008 at Palace, St. Gall

Here…peep this flyer. Click on it for a larger size. Print it out and spread the word in and around the locations of these tour dates: