Jeff Witscher (Rene Hell) + Rashad Becker + Eric Frye at Kantine am Berghain / Sunday, 02.10.2016

NK Hyperlinear present a disorienting triple-bill consisting of Jeff Witscher, Rashad Becker, and Eric Frye at Kantine am Berghain, as part of NK Projekt’s mission to provide a singular environment for avant-garde work at the fringes of mainstream commercial culture.

Jeff Witscher (Rene Hell, PAN): An important figure in the American underground since his teens, over innumerable releases the aesthetic choices of Jeff Witscher have prophesized many of the pivotal shifts in US underground culture spanning the last decade. Most recently receiving critical acclaim for experimental synth albums ‘Porcelain Opera’ and ‘The Terminal Symphony’ (Type), plus a 2012 split release with Oneohtrix Point Never, ‘Vanilla Call Option’ represents Rene Hell’s most abstract and refined vision to date.

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Rashad Becker (PAN): Currently his live sets evolve around the angle of `traditional music of notional species`, a semiabstract synthetic narrative that seems appealing to a surprisingly wide audience.

Eric Frye (Salon): Exploring non-orientable sonic surfaces, Eric Frye operates between the disciplinary boundaries of sound, philosophy, linguistics, and mathematics. His live performances and installations are focused toward a recalibrated layering of multi-channel diffusions. Simultaneously dissociative and palpable, Frye’s compositions activate an interplay between material and immaterial. His latest recording, On Some Consequences of Four Incapacities, was released in November 2015 by Portland-based imprint, Salon.

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Through a series of methodically structured auditory events, Frye investigates new modes of perception and spatial cognition. These events are composed specifically to stimulate and disrupt the cognitive perceptual process as the human mind attempts to correctly segregate and organize sound objects. As the piece unfolds, it reveals topologically transformed sonic morphologies which trigger hallucinatory reactions through a succinct succession of auditory cues. Frye’s sound pieces emerge as an artistic expression of novelty and freedom, which, by Georg Cantor’s popular quote, is indeed the essence of mathematics. (Andrei Rodin, bandcamp)

Jeff Witscher (Rene Hell) + Rashad Becker + Eric Frye

Sunday, 2nd October 2016 | 21:30 CET
Berghain Kantine | Am Wriezener Bahnhof | 10243 Berlin/Friedrichshain | | Event @ Facebook |

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