Weihnachts(kar)markt Pt.2 at Photocircle Gallery / Sunday, 03.12.2017

Ho ho ho!

Yes, it’s true – t’is the season again. And we’re very happy to invite you over to the Photocircle Gallery for a small but heart-warming, karma-boosting, mulled-wine-loving Christmas market on December 3rd. In addition to our good friend “mulled wine on the house for everyone”, jazz musician Jilski will be there to entertain you from 4PM.

Of course, you will also be able to buy all sorts of beautiful things that will not only make yourself happy, but many other people around the world as well: Christmas-themed postcards and greeting cards, calendars for the coming year, upcycling picture frames from South Africa and of course maaaany beautiful art prints that will make your walls winterproof.

Weihnachts(kar)markt Pt.2

Sunday, 3rd December 2017 | Doors 13:00 CET | Starts 13:00 CET
Photocircle Gallery | Monumentenstr. 1 | 10829 Berlin

https://www.photocircle.net/eu | http://www.jilski.com | | Event @ Facebook

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