D/B Recommeded: TOKIO – SHIBUYA: THE new generation | 7-14. OKT

ON 07 AND 14 UNTIL 17 OCTOBER 2009 @ Hebbel am Ufer / Berlin. With Ryuichi Sakamoto, Ghost and many more.

The district of Tokyo-Shibuya is the Mecca of young Japanese: fashion boutiques, record stores, clubs and love hotels are all crammed one next to the other. During rush-hour the central intersection in front of the train station is being crossed by up to 15,000 people. For promotional reasons Japanese music labels organise several street concerts.

The social reality has had a deep impact on Tokyo’s theatre scene, in recent years a “New Generation” has made itself heard of. Independent directors like Toshiki Okada, Kuro Tanino and the groups faifai and Chim↑Pom are part of this “New Generation”. Their works have one thing in common: They focus on the reality that is so difficult to grasp, venturing in daring productions that stress the aspect of the body and the gesture. We are very happy to be able to show the most important representatives of the “New Generation” at HAU in the context of the Asia Pacific Weeks. Here the programbook.
