Started in 2008 as the creative project of Craig Dyer, The Underground Youth’s blend of darkly cinematic psychedelia and raw post-punk music has developed a worldwide loyal fan base that continues to grow. Since 2012 the band have been constantly touring throughout Europe and the rest of the world, seeing them consistently sell out shows and receive widespread praise for their festival performances. Through independent record label Fuzz Club Records TUY have released 8 LP’s and 3 EP’s, receiving both a cult following and critical acclaim all of their original releases have since sold out and been re-mastered, re-pressed and re-released on different formats.
Having relocated from Manchester to Berlin before the release of their 8th LP ‘What Kind Of Dystopian Hellhole Is This?’ TUY are currently working on their 9th album. The live band currently consists of Craig Dyer (Vocals, Guitar) Olya Dyer (Drums) Max James (Bass) and Leonard Kaage (Guitar). “Combining walls of noise, raw energy and catchy melodies, TUY create a captivating live experience that is unlike any other.”
1: Mark E. Smith was a national treasure and is sorely missed.
2: “You can’t please all of the people all of the time.”
3: Brexit was and is a terrible idea.
1. What is the biggest inspiration for your music?No one single thing.. A combination of all the art, literature, cinema etc. that touches me. And real life of course, real people.
2. How and when did you get into making music?
In 2008 I began combining the poetry and writing I’d been doing with the basic guitar chords that I’d learnt. I loved and absorbed music and through listening I taught myself the basic skills necessary to write and record.
3. What are 5 of your favourite albums of all time?An ever changing list but for now..Rowland S Howard – Teenage Snuff FilmBob Dylan – Blood On The TracksSuicide – SuicideJoy Division – Unknown PleasuresThe Stooges – The Stooges
4. What do you associate with Berlin?To me Berlin is the perfect combination of all it’s history, all that is visible on the streets, in the architecture, the parks, the venues, the smoky bars, the people and the art. It’s equal parts nostalgic and modern.
5. What’s your favourite place in your town?8MM Bar has been like a second home since we moved to Berlin almost 3 years ago. Our local park, our recording studio.. I’ve no shortage of favourite places to spend my time.
6. If there was no music in the world, what would you do instead?I dread to think.
7. What was the last record/music you bought?Whilst in Gothenburg on tour a few weeks ago we bought a collection of Donovan’s greatest hits. That was the last record I bought!
8. Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Oh, I don’t know..
9. What was your best gig (as performer or spectator)?As a performer it’s hard to narrow down to one.. As a spectator, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds in Manchester some many years ago. As always the band delivered but this one remains unforgettable for the intimacy of the venue.
10. How important is technology to your creative process?It can be, but it doesn’t have to be. I try not to rely on anything too much, though naturally a certain level of technology creeps into the process.
11. Do you have siblings and how do they feel about your career/art?I have a sister, she’ll be at our upcoming show at Synästhesie Festival.. So she’s certainly supportive, even if not entirely in tune with what we’re doing.
The Underground Youth is playing on Friday, 23rd Nobember at Synästhesie Festival at Kulturbrauerei.
Photo ©Miriam Marlene Waldner