The Avalanches at Festsaal Kreuzberg / Wednesday, 28.06.2017

To us a wildflower is a certain type of person, a free spirit.

We went through 7 shades of shit to make this record and so many times we thought it would never get finished. ‘Wildflower’ is infused with that home-made hobo spirit, a musical ‘do it yourself’ attitude and is inspired by those musicians who just ‘had’ to make music no matter what… Over time making ‘Wildflower’ transformed from ‘making a record’ into a spiritual journey, including self-awakening, handmade quilting bees, unpaid studio bills, band members leaving, the unbelievable generosity of countless guest musicians, the kindness of strangers, and sample clearance nightmares. What kept us going was music – that belief, more than belief, in the day to day experience of music as a life force, an energy capable of changing your life.

We love the way that hearing a certain song on a certain morning can actually change your day, make the world look different, changing the way you perceive light refracting through the atmosphere for the rest of the afternoon. Literally changing the colour and feeling and tone of your world. The song ‘Colours’ is about this.

‘Wildflower’ celebrates the ‘little things’, the beauty in the oft unnoticed and overlooked, and the magic and wonder of the ‘other’ side of life that most of us have either forgotten, lost touch with or are just too busy to notice anymore. This album reads like a love letter to a world long lost, and one we perhaps didn’t even realise we had missed until this album came along and reminded us.

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“Cross over to the ‘other side’ with The Avalanches and hop aboard the ‘Indian Valley Line’, that imaginary railroad in hobo folklore to that mystical place at the end of the rainbow. Coz they don’t live in dreams like us.” Robbie Chater and Tony Di Blasi – June 2016

The Avalanches

Wednesday, 28.06.2017 | Door 19:00 CET | Start 20:00 CET
Festsaal Kreuzberg | Am Flutgraben 2 | 12435 Berlin | |

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