D/B Magazin Review: SLANTED – all about typography

Slanted is all about typography – a topic that is given far too little coverage in German magazines. The magazine is supplemented by the blog on www.slanted.de, which exists since 2004. Buy the current issue here.

This internet platform provides daily updates on typography, design, illustration and photography, while the magazine goes into greater depth and immortalises the topics. Each issue focuses on a different topic.

The look and layout of the magazine reflect the (specific) topic of that issue. Issue 4, for instance, is dedicated to matrix and pixel fonts, issue 5 focuses on modern antiqua fonts with serifs.

The current issue focalises on signs, symbols and ornaments. In our first magazine section we illuminate the topic by articles, visual essays, portraits of fontlabels and typedesigners, photographic sector as well as in our captions “Fontnames Illustrated” and “Typolyrics”. With contributions of Marian Bantjes (she also designed the current cover), Prof. Johannes Bergerhausen, Typosition, Romibello and many more. The second magazine section offers interesting interviews (among others Hubert Jocham, PetPunk, Kurt Weidemann, Raban Ruddigkeit und Jan Middendorp), a portrait of the Druckkunstmuseum Leipzig (museum for print-art), (final-)works of students and other typestories.
The third magazine sector connects the magazine with our weblog www.slanted.de. Here you can find often discussed entries, reader’s response and presentations of new fonts, books and magazines.

slanted magazine is published 4 times a year from now on. The next issue is all about Geometrics and will be released in March 2009 at the Colophon Luxembourg. We relate our topic Geometrics to the revival of the Neo-Geo-movement in the 80s which had its roots in the period of Bauhaus. Above all part of the topic are typefaces and graphics based on geometric forms like square, circle, triangle (f.e. Avant Garde, Futura etc.), and striking contemporary typefaces without counters.
