Terry & Gyan Riley at Zionskirche / Tuesday, 27.09.2016

On September 27, acclaimed American minimalist Terry Riley and his son, the guitarist Gyan Riley, perform their first and only concert in Germany this year. Taking place in the resonant space of Zionskirche, a protestant evangelique church in Berlin’s Mitte district, the program samples from both the synthesis of minimalism, jazz, ragtime and North Indian raga that have come to define Terry Riley’s diverse and prolific career, and Gyan Riley’s innovative compositional repertoire.

California Composer Terry Riley launched what is now known as the Minimalist movement with his revolutionary classic IN C in 1964. This seminal work Provided a new concept in musical form based on interlocking repetitive patterns. Terry’s hypnotic, multi-layered, polymetric, brightly orchestrated eastern flavored improvisations and compositions set the stage for the prevailing interest in a new tonality. He regularly performs solo piano concerts of his works from the past 30 years and often appears in duo concerts with his son, guitarist Gyan Riley.

Gyan Riley won his first guitar in a raffle when he was 12 years old. Shortly after learning all of the songs in his cassette collection by ear, he became the first full-scholarship graduate guitar student at the San Francisco Conservatory. Gyan’s diverse work now focuses on his own compositions, improvisation, and contemporary classical repertoire. Gyan resides in New York City and frequently performs with the duo Probosci, the trio Eviyan, and the electric guitar quartet Dither. Gyan has four solo CD titles and many ensemble/collaborative recordings, most recently working with the Tzadik Records label in New York.


“Nothing I have done in this life has given me more satisfaction than improvising on these songs with Gyan. Nothing I have done can match the intuitive synchronicity we have shared many times on the stage. Gyan supplies a brilliant counterpoint to the strands and moods of these pieces always surprising me with a virtuosity that serves and energizes his musical invention. I could not have dreamed up a better marriage of mind and spirit than this collaboration.” -Terry Riley

Terry & Gyan Riley LIVE

Tuesday, 27th September 2016 | Door 19:30 CET | Start 20:00 CET
Zionskirche | Zionskirchplatz | 10115 Berlin-Mitte

terryriley.net | zionskirche-berlin.de

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