D/B recommended: The Raymond Scott Variations | Free Download

His influence on the birth of electronic music is comparable perhaps only to Delia Derbyshire, Bob Moog or Leon Theramin.

It is safe to say that without Scott’s contribution, electronica would be utterly unrecognizable from what it is today. Now with Cyclic Bits, some stars of the  netmusic community inlcuding Tracky Birthday, Vernon Le Noir and Felix Kubin pay tribute to the master with a remix album on Chinstrap Music.“Cyclic Bits” is the first remix album of the music of remarkable composer and inventor Raymond Scott.”


This album is a series of reinventions of the work of a true musical maverick, remixed by a host of today’s most inventive musical mavericks. The diversity of the release reflects the profound influence Scott’s work has had on composers working across the board of styles and approaches.

Raymond Scott (born Harry Warnow, 10 September 1908 — 8 February 1994), was an American composer, band leader, pianist, engineer, recording studio maverick, and electronic instrument  inventor. He was born in Brooklyn to a family of Russian-Jewish immigrants. His older brother, Mark Warnow, a conductor, violinist, and musical director for the CBS radio program Your Hit Parade, encouraged his musical career.

Originally created as a special for Ergo Phizmiz’s Phuj Phactory on WFMU, a projected release never happened. This, at last, is it. Download the whole album here for free.
