Porta-Booth – Portable Sound Studio

Targeted to broadcasting professionals who want to record voice overs on the run… this little gadget is a perfect substitude for a real voice cabin… you are on tour bored in the hotel room and want to record some high quality voice tracks – this might come in handy. I think the Porta Booth came out a few years ago but I didnt know about it – so maybe neither did you :D The idea behind it is pretty simple – if you are not satisfied with the room’s acoustic – why not simply shield the mic from the room?


Description: This is the acclaimed Harlan Hogan Porta-Booth, praised by voice talents, musicians, movie soundmen and audio engineers alike. His Internet article provides simple instructions on how to build your own Porta-Booth. However, after many requests he’s arranged to have a limited number of professionally-made booths manufactured.

More infos here.