patten & André Uhl @ Naherholung Sternchen Berlin | Friday, 11.04.2014

patten is an unidentified London-based musician and producer. patten has been performing and releasing music on ultra-limited edition CDRs under the moniker since 2006, whilst also running the conceptual label Kaleidoscope.

Over 2012 & 2013, patten shed light on numerous other underground artists by releasing limited-run editions of their work via his conceptual imprint Kaleidoscope’s LIMITED DUBS series. Composing and performing prolifically, rare small-run patten recordings occasionally surfaced from the underground.

Issue 283 of experimental music journal Wire magazine described the 2007 CDR ‘There were Horizons’ as “a world of exquisitely detailed microscopic, ordered purposeful harmony”, while the “sonically nuanced, breathless, rugged” track ‘Version (test mixxx)’ appeared as music blog Pitchfork‘s Best New Music in May 2009.

In November 2013 patten was announced as having signed to Warp Records, releasing the EOLIAN INSTATE EP soon after in an edition of just 500 12″ picture discs worldwide, with artwork by frequent visual collaborator Jane Eastlight. Weeks later, as part of the Late at Tate series in December 2013, patten performed a live audiovisual set in front of thousands at Tate Britain, for the Warp X Tate event.

This event is highly recommended by Digital in Berlin! We are giving away 2 x 2 tickets. Just send a mail to with “patten” as the subject. Good luck.

UnReaL presents
patten (Warp Records) live A/V & André Uhl

Friday, 11 April 2013 | 22:00 CET
Naherholung Sternchen | Berolinastraße 7 | 10178 Berlin/Mitte | | | patten @ warp records

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