5 years of No Fear Of Pop w/ Lucrecia Dalt, Heatsick and many more at Urban Spree / Sunday, 24.05.2015

Future pop magazine No Fear Of Pop will celecrate it’s fifth anniversary with a long night and a huge lineup of artists that transcend the boundaries between pop and underground music.

Liveacts include Lucrecia Dalt, UMA, Fiordmoss and GODMOTHER, among others, and PAN’s Heatsick, Jahcoozi’s Perera Elsewhere and Jason Grier of Human Ear Music will spin records.


Today, we seem to have two branches in the school of experimental pop. One branch privileges object-hood, richness of surface, and mass-hallucinatory quotation. The other (much less celebrated) branch seeks to recapture authenticity in the form of a highly personal hallucination of music history.

Lucrecia Dalt follows the latter branch as far as it seems to go. She leaps into a surrealist landscape with stunning abandon, eschewing the comparatively safe tropes and song structures of her previous work. And she charts a surprisingly inventive and rewarding territory in the process.


UMAs music can be described as floating experimental electronic pop, mixing deep rhythms, bass sounds and haunting beautiful choir like vocal chants.Ella and Flo met during a turbulent summer in 2008 and since then got married, gave birth to UMA in 2012 and released their first EP via Seayou Records (AT) and Enraptured Records (UK). The EP was well received by the press, earning them a review by WIRE magazine amongst others.

With support from various angles such as a Silver Apples feature, Ella and Flo are building their own meticulous world of unusual melodies, off-the-wall electronic soundscapes in an atypical but infectious way.

For further information on the festival and on all the artists, check the event page on FB: 5 Years NFOP FB event

5 years of No Fear Of Pop w/ Lucrecia Dalt, Heatsick and many more

Sunday, 24 May 2015 | 16:00 CET
Urban Spree | Revaler Str. 99 | 10245 Berlin/Friedrichshain

nofearofpop.net | urbanspree.com

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