The debut album “Restless City” by Miramode Orchestra announced the band as fans of both exploration and experimentation. Why break down barriers when you can simply soar over them – after all, they only exist in the mind. It is therefore no surprise that collaborations have already included not only a range of artists more at home in genres such as hip hop, soul and modern club culture, but also a string ensemble. The latter returned to the studio for the band ’s forthcoming album “Tumbler”, which is set for release in early 2017 on Agogo Records. There is a noticeable shift towards more song-like structures: The vocals of Inèz Schäfer, Dan Freeman, Mara von Ferne and the band ‘s keyboard player Eren Solak are taking Tumbler to another level. Yet just as listeners are ready to slot a song into a pigeonhole, the Miramode Orchestra whisks them away to a new, unexpected stop on their journey.
1: People take themselves too seriously .
2: People are working to much.
3: Everybody prefers to be non-committal (which is not a nice thing, i think) .
1.What is the biggest inspiration for your music?
There are many different inspirations for my music, so i am not able to choose just one. It’s my son, my family, my friends, interpersonal relationships, nature, love and for sure my ambition.
2.How and when did you get into making music?
I played Prokofjew’s “Peter und der Wolf” with my grand father when i was 3 years old. He was a musician and art teacher. Art and music had has always a big importance in our family and was always supported. I am really thankful for that.
3.What are your 5 favorite albums of all time?
– 4 hero / play with the changes
– Bon Iver / For Emma, Forever ago
– Jazzanova / The Remixes 1997 – 2000
– Common / One Day It’ll all Make Sense
– Peter Fox / Stadtaffe
4.What do you associate with Berlin?
Exhausting and restless city, but full of cultural diversity, a lot of “späties” where you can buy alcohol and cigarettes all the time and many nice people which i do not want to miss.
5.What’s your favorite place in your town?
I really like Tempelhofer Feld. It’s a unique place where you can look more than 2000 meters straight ahead, what you will not find in another metropolis, i guess. So much space! Here you can Breath and escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.
6.If there was no music in the world, what would you do instead?
Snowboarding, kitesurfing and skating.
7. What was the last record/music you bought?
Grim / Loft Experiment, it’s our band own jazz trio with Felix, Jan and Eren. They had their record release some weeks ago. Great album!
8.Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Gilles Peterson. He plays, chooses and produces music which exactly meets my taste, every time. He is a very agile Person, an organizer for Concerts & Festivals, a radio broadcaster and a very popular DJ world wide. I am very impressed by his multi-talents.
9.What was your best gig (as performer or spectator)?
It was also Gilles Peterson`s World Wide Festival in South France. It’s a whole week in a very unique location. The ” Théâtre de la Mer” is a place, located directly at the mediterranean sea. The sea breeze is blowing in your face while you’re listening and dancing to all the great band s and artists. My biggest dream would be to play there one time with our own band .
10.How important is technology to your creative process?
Today it’s very simple for everyone to produce perfect sounding music with a home studio or a good software and a good microphone. Sometimes i produce a 60 Track Song with string orchestra and full band while driving train or flying by airplane. I produce demos for the musicians when we are planning new songs, we do band meetings per skype and are sharing ideas & plans via Facebook-group.
No matter where in the world our band members are, we are in permanent exchange, also in creative processes. On the one hand it’s great to have this possibility, but sometimes i miss the real band life, to hang up together in the rehearsal room, jamming together, sharing ideas from face to face and translate them directly into action. So i always look forward to our concerts where we meet together for some hours.
11.Do you have siblings and how do they feel about your career?
I often show songs or song ideas to my sister before they ever heard anyone else. Her opinion is very important to me and often influences my creative process.
Restless city
The story of the fisherman
Live feat. Mara von Ferne
Link: Website | Soundcloud