
Mindpirates is an international artistic collective uniting visual artists, filmmakers, musicians, designers and curators. Their projects and public art events are concerned with the role of art within contemporary culture and in interplay with sociology and ecology.

Mindpirates are interested in cultural developments that foster new lines of inquiry, new artistic practices and new ways of interacting with an active public. Following an independent, transdisciplinary and collaborative approach, they aim to promote the production and understanding of contemporary art practices, expand the reach of cultural agency and experiment with new forms of examination, cooperation and distribution.

Mindpirates was founded in 2008 in Berlin, and has since vastly expanded the scope of their activities. Mindpirates‘ projects and programs have been reaching a large, diverse audience, locally and worldwide.

Mindpirates | Schlesische Strasse 38 (Haus F / 3rd Hinterhof) 10997 Berlin/Kreuzberg

mindpirates.org | Map | Facebook | Mindpirates @ D/B