mikromusik – Festival of Experimental Music and Sound Art at various locations / 26.-30.08.2015

After starting in 2014, the festival mikromusik of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program will take place for the second time from August 26 to August 30, 2015, featuring concerts and installations at various Berlin locations.

The festival seeks to broaden horizons, showcasing the preternatural sounds of Quatuor Diotima (Luigi Nono, IT), as well as the interactions between the arts, such as theater and music (Francesco Filidei, IT), music and the visual arts (Mazen Kerbaj, LIB), literature and music (John Burnside, GB), music and spirituality (Walter Smetak, BR), and sports and music (Boris Filanovsky, RUS), along with a performance by two unique improvisation ensembles, from England (AMM) and Lebanon (A-Trio) respectively.

A play on the word’s polysemy, mikromusik denotes micro-tonality, micro-spaces, and micro-events, as well as microphonic or microscopic realities; it opposes an overlybroad, hegemonic worldview with one that focuses attention on the small, the incidental, and on what lies below the surface. Current guests of the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program are represented in all of their variety by diverse new works, while special alumni projects were selected from the program’s wide-ranging, fifty-year-old history. The festival features bicycle-powered music machines, subterranean sounds, Aeolian guitars, head movements, the whir of buzzing bees, and an overabundance of music.

We are giving away 2×2 tickets. Check out our Facebook page to win.

mikromusik – Festival of Experimental Music and Sound Art

Installations and concerts by: AMM: John Tilbury, Eddie Prevost, A-Trio: Mazen Kerbaj, Sharif Sehnaoui, Raed Yassin, John Burnside & Amy Shelton & Klaus Buhlert, Johnny Chang, Erik Drescher, Tony Elieh, Ensemble 2e2m, Arno Fabre & Boris Filanovsky, Francesco Filidei, Stefano Gervasoni, Jean-Luc Hervé, Dmitri Kourliandski, Fabien Lévy, Luigi Nono, Michelle O’ Rourke, Karen Power, Quatuor Diotima, Rishin Singh, Walter Smetak & Gustavo Alfaix and many more

Wednesday 26. – Sunday 30.08.2015

Various locations
Sophienkirche, St. Elisabeth-Kirche, Villa Elisabeth | Invalidenstr. 3 | 10115 Berlin/Mitte, daadgalerie

berliner-kuenstlerprogramm.de | daadgalerie.de

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