MADEIRADIG FESTIVAL 2009 | What does it sound like when flowers start to think? | 110 PICTURES & Comments

What it sounds like when flowers start to think. The official MADEIRADIG Festival 2009 picture gallery – 110 beautiful impressions. The MADEIRADIG takes place each year at the start of December.
While it’s cold in the rest of Europe, experience some of the most formidable avant-garde musicians in the world and stay in a gorgeous Design Hotel located on a cliff in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. This intimate festival on the mountainous volcanic island features a stunning and unsurpassable line-up, a landscape to match and attractive spring temperatures.

The MADEIRADIG Festival is a unique Adventure in extra-ordinary Music. To be updated about the MADEIRADIG please subscribe to our Newsletter and take a look at the Edition 2010.
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