Master’s programme Sound Studies & Sonic Arts Exhibition at UdK Berlin / 13.-16.01.2022

The graduates of the Master’s programme Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the Berlin Career College of the Berlin University of the Arts invite you to a public exhibition of the Master’s theses from 14 to 16 January in the rooms of the programme at Lietzenburger Straße 45, as well as to online exhibitions. The vernissage on 13 January will be open to the public from 4 to 6 pm. The ten graduates will provide insight into the most diverse areas of engagement with sound, ranging from theoretical works to artistic projects and sound installations.

“The Master’s programme Sound Studies and Sonic Arts is heading for another highlight in the current semester. This year’s graduating class will present their master’s theses in our rooms in Lietzenburger Straße from 13 to 16 January 2022,” says Jan Thoben, interim programme director. “We are very proud that our candidates* are mastering the current challenges and look forward to seeing their final theses up close.”

The Master of Arts Sound Studies and Sonic Arts programme at the Berlin Career College of the Berlin University of the Arts is an advanced, part-time programme in English that serves to deepen theoretical and practical skills in the field of auditory art, culture, design and reception as well as their philosophical, historical, medial, technical, acoustic and psychoacoustic dependencies. Theoretical-scientific and artistic-design methods and those of artistic research are taught.
The application phase for the international Master’s programme runs annually in February.

Master’s programme Sound Studies and Sonic Arts: Exhibition – This year’s Master’s graduates present their final projects

13.01.2022 | Starts 16:00 CET
Exhibition: 14/15 January 10 AM. to 6 p.m.and 16 January 10 a.m. to 3 PM.
University of the Arts | Lietzenburger Strasse 45 in 10789 Berlin

A COVID hygiene concept is being used for the public exhibition. Information on the current status as well as further dates can be found at: | Event @ Facebook

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