Livia Rita at ACUD MACHT NEU / Thursday, 25.10.2018

How would it be to be born into a new world?
How would it be if we all became wild, free omnigender human creatures, with dreams as visible as rock and feelings as strong as electricity?

It’s single launch time for the new song ‘Just Happier’ (out on 26th October)! And because it’s a reason to celebrate we’ll create a unique installative performance universe, with some magical fashion & set art, to be intruded by a gang of witches, dancers and creatures.

Livia Rita is a young visionary singer, designer and artist with an inexhaustible source of creativity and devotion to music, visual art and a progressive way of thinking. Her eclectic musical style draws on a wide range of influences and genres, blending electronic pop effortlessly with experimental, classical and new wave styles. She subverts the listeners with each song, as wild, brutal textures meet vulnerable, otherworldly melodies in adventurous and emotional ways. The debut album will be launched as a total artwork, including a music video for each song, and a magazine, which merges the lyrics of each tune with photography of their correlating art fashion collection. The work is developed at the Barbican with mentoring of Lindsay Kemp (David Bowie) and Lea Anderson.

With guests: Eli Cohen, Ali Heffetz, Joséphine Auffray, Tom McLuckie, Siobhan O’Callaghan, Adela Ioana Asavei, Lotti Madlyn, Michelle Nila Germann, Siân Naomi Dorman & Basil Prinz.

Livia Rita

Thursday, 25th October 2018 | Doors 19:00 CET | Start 20:00 CET
ACUD MACHT NEU | Veteranenstraße 21 | 10119 Berlin

Livia Rita | ACUD MACHT NEU | Event @ Facebook

Photo © Nina-Maria Glahé

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