Liturgy + Evan Caminiti at Cassiopeia / Tuesday, 20.10.2015

Liturgy is a Brooklyn-based, self-styled “Transcendental Black Metal” band whose yearning, energetic music exists in an uncanny space between avant rock, black metal, fine art and shamanic ritual. Led by songwriter and conceptual architect Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, who is joined by guitarist Bernard Gann, bassist Tyler Dusenbury and drummer Greg Fox, the band exists as a 21stcentury total work of art (gesamtkunstwerk).

Activating divine potencies by means of music and culture even as it underscores the contradictions inherent in such a project during the internet era.  Their third full length, The Ark Work, is a quantum leap forward, a radical change in sound that paradoxically sounds more like Liturgy than ever.


Evan Caminiti’s slow but steady progression towards electronic music from sand-swept guitar drone mirrors the pace of the music he makes. It has been measured, each move well-considered and clearly intentional.

Caminiti has immersed himself in electronic production on Meridian, creating organic sounds through his machines, patching sounds that recall the brassy resonance of horns and hazy choral clusters.

This event is presented by Digital in Berlin. Check out our Facebook page to win tickets.

Liturgy + Evan Caminiti

Tuesday, 20 October 2015 | 20:00 CET
Cassiopeia | Revaler Str. 99 | 10245 Berlin/Friedrichshain |


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