Lawrence Chand ler // Bowery Electric

Lawrence Dean Chand ler is an American-born composer, musician, and sound artist living in London. He studied at Columbia University, The Juilliard School, and Goldsmiths College and with La Monte Young and Pauline Oliveros. He is best known as a founding member of Bowery Electric and has worked for Philip Glass. Recent works include Music for Rock Ensemble commissioned by The Labèques for “50 Years of Minimalism” at Kings Place and The Tuning of the World, a 24-hour sustained tone piece. His current band is Happy Families.


1:The Bowery is the only major thoroughfare in New York City never to have had a church built on it


1.What is the biggest inspiration for your music?

2.How and when did you get into making music?
While living in New York I realised I wasn’t suited for much else

3.What are your 5 favorite albums of all time?
I made a list but I’m already bored with it

My Desert Island Disc is Steve Reich – Music for 18 Musicians 

4.What do you associate with Berlin?
Realising there were bullet holes from WWII just above my head on the exterior wall of a cafe where we were having drinks before a Bowery Electric gig there

5.What’s your favorite place in your town?
My garden in London

6.If there was no music in the world, what would you do instead?
Enjoy peace and quiet where I could find it and relish never having to hear another auto-tuned vocal

7.What was the last record you bought?
Velvet Underground & Nico on vinyl to have at my partner Lucia’s family’s house in the mountains in Asturias, Spain where we spend as much time as we can.

8.Who would you most like to collaborate with?
I’m not a keen collaborator

9.What was your best gig (as performer or spectator)?
With Bowery Electric on the Lushlife tour in 2000  – an all wooden club (floors, walls, ceiling) in Copenhagen that felt like being in the hold of a ship, completely heaving.

10.How important is technology to your creative process?
Sound is more interesting to me than chord progressions. I like technology that enables me to surprise myself with unexpected sounds.

11.Do you have siblings and how do they feel about your career?
My older sister is very supportive. Our main studio computer is her old iMac. She’s only recently stopped telling us we should move to Berlin.

Our favorite:


Fear of flying


Link: Website |  Soundcloud