Laura Grandy at B-Flat / Thursday, 13.07.2017

Unforgettable melodies and soulful arrangements – these are the two main characteristics that describe Singer/Songwriter Laura Grandy. Her sound is versatile, as well as the musicianship of the international band members, who when performing all together are intensifying the message of every song with their own tweaks and licks and always provide the right groove.

A mixture of Pop, Jazz, Folk and the longing for something that is out of reach. Band members are Laura Grandy on Vocals, Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Joe Singleton on Electric and Acoustic Guitar, Vassilis Lazouras on Bass Guitar and Keiran Pearson both on Drums, and providing Backing Vocals.

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Laura and her band have successfully toured in Germany this summer and played at some memorable venues in the UK like The Ronnie Scotts Jazz Club or the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow. Laura Grandy has released her new Single ‘Maybe It’s You’ on the 23rd of February and her new EP is now available for purchase on all the main online distribution platforms.

Laura Grandy

Thursday, 13.07.2017 | 21:00 CET
B-Flat | Rosenthaler Straße 13 | 10119 Berlin/Mitte |

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