Kontraklang w/ Ensemble Mosaik at Heimathafen / Monday, 04.07.2016

The ensemble mosaik has developed into one of the most renowned contemporary music ensembles in Germany. The exceptional quality of this extremely versatile lineup is not only based on the outstanding capabilities of the individual musicians: Most of them are founding members of the ensemble, with many years of intensive cooperation leading to a distinguished and distinctive sonic identity. The interests of the ensemble mosaik lie in the diversity of aesthetic concepts and forms in contemporary music and their research and development.

The ensemble values a close exchange between all parties involved in a concert project; creativity is concentrated and intensified through opening working processes. Another focus of the artistic work of the ensemble is the exploration of new approaches to performance practice, for example, with the integration of scenic and visual elements in concert projects or the testing of new concert formats.


With the project series Commentated Music, ensemble mosaik continues its research into the development of new concert formats and takes up the idea of staged concert situations. Selected compositions will be incorporated within an overall concept using “commentary”. For this, the ensemble mosaik invites artists from other disciplines to present their perspective on the pieces in cooperation with the members of the ensemble.

The starting point will be current works by the composers Ashley Fure, Christian Winther Christensen (UA), Martin Schüttler (UA), Niklas Seidl (UA) and Brigitta Muntendorf. The compositions are “commentated” by the participating actors through spoken texts and within scenes. The actors perform amongst the audience, mingle with the musicians or create peripheral scenes. Through this changing of perspectives, not only the compositions, but also the concert situation are reflected and commented upon.


With texts and scenes, the actors take a stance on the performed works, confront them with statements, and complement or reflect a certain aspect of the pieces. The music becomes part of these scenes. The compositions are countered with selected texts, the musicians are addressed as dialogue partners.

Musicians and actors meet on different levels of communication. The audience embarks on a course determined by the networking of acoustic and scenic art. Concert and theater are interfused and open up new vantage points and listening perspectives.

This event is presented by Digital in Berlin. Check out our Facebook page to win tickets.

Kontraklang w/ Ensemble Mosaik

Monday, 04th July 2016 | 20:00 CET
Heimathafen |

ensemble-mosaik.de | kontraklang.de | heimathafen-neukoelln.de


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