D/B Recommended: Klangbad Festival | 7-9 August 2009

There are mainly two kinds of music festivals: the usual ones and the adventurous-creative ones. The former present music, which everyone already knows. The others got their finger at the pulse of time and put their ear into niches and near boundary zones.



They point out up-to-date trends, present upcoming musicians and bands, make new musical experiences and discoveries possible. The Klangbad festival at Scheer near Sigmaringen, South Germany, certainly belongs to this category and is the real festival insider’s tip for open ears. For 3 years now, the small village of Scheer has been experiencing a 3-day metamorphosis every summer.

The sleepy, pittoresque appearing village invites you to a musical provocative, avantgardistic-innovative journey, packed with surprises, crossing various genres.

Far away from the nowadays usual chart monotony and the artistic mainstreams, international artists meet local bands, which indeed differ in style, popularity and stage experience, but comply anyhow in one concise criterion: The love to authentic, expressive music.

Klangbad Festival 2008

Audience and artists become parts of a musical biosphere, and it is hard to find anything comparable in today’s profit-oriented event area. Within shortest time, a network of volunteers interested in culture and music, has formed. Only through the enthusiastic work of artists and workers, who are committed to the idea, such an individual and independent project is able to arise and to take place for the fourth time in the meantime.

The festival is small and straightforward, but is growing constantly from year to year. Despite this fact, we abandon commercial sponsoring funds unlike normal open air festivals. But the aid through institutions and people who identify with the Klangbad idea is surely indispensable for the continuity of the festival. So we are always happy about money donations, equipment and above all, active support!