Exhition #12 Klang Raum Skulptur at Spektrum Berlin / 22-24.09.2017

From 22-24 September, during the the first ever Month of Contemporary Music, the Neukölln art space SPEKTRUM | art science community is excited to premiere the collaborative project Klang-Raum-Skulptur: a dome-shaped sound installation that utilizes an immersive 3-dimensional sound system. The installation was originated by Paul Deme who developed the initial spatial concept. Attracted by the sculpture’s ideal form for the use of Ambisonics spatialization, Sven König (sCrAmBled?HaCkZ!), joined the project and installed the Ambisonics system inside the dome. The composers Frank Bretschneider, Marisol Jimenez and Julius Holtz employ this technique to create 3-dimensional sound pieces. The resulting entity explores the relationship between musical composition, space and immersive listening.

The composers Frank Bretschneider, Marisol Jimenez and Julius Holtz employ this technique to create 3-dimensional sound pieces. The resulting entity explores the relationship between musical composition, space and immersive listening.

”Ambisonics is a full-sphere surround sound technique: in addition to the horizontal plane, it covers sound sources above and below the listener. Unlike other multichannel surround formats, its transmission channels do not carry speaker signals”. In the contemporary practice of working with sound, due to the technological avilability of hardware for multichannel and its related DYE techniques emerging in the artistic practice, it´s becoming an urgency to re-discuss systems of spatialization which historically stands for new forms of sonic experience as well as Ambisonics does.

Exhition #12 Klang Raum Skulptur

22nd-24th June 2017
SPEKTRUMberlin | Bürknerstraße 12 | 12047 Berlin-Neukölln

spektrumberlin.de | Event @ Facebook

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