Karma Ltd. Extended at Acud / Friday, 02.02-Saturday, 14.04.2018

Divided into seven exhibition chapters, Karma Ltd. Extended interrogates the possibility to create imaginative abundance with limited resources. Expanding the field of reflection to all media and spaces, Karma Ltd. Extended will activate the ACUD Galerie with artistic positions that envision new values by questioning and breaking up stereotypical imagery and historical misinterpretations.

In the first chapter, Karma Ltd. Extended puts the human gift of imagination centrefold, looking at alternative narratives about being in the now and near future of possibility. The exhibition resonates in all the creative spaces of the ACUD house and delves into the work of 7 selected artists who mould new imaginations using film, sculpture, sound, text, architecture, performance and invite viewers to conceptualize future landscapes.

Karma Ltd. Extended is political, poetic, performative, intersectional-feminist, experimental and much more. The program series Karma Ltd. Extended ​is curated by Pauline Doutreluingne, Jana J. Haeckel and Petra Poelzl.

Karma Ltd. Extended at Acud

Friday, 02.02- Saturday, 14.04 2018 | Starts 18:00 CET
Acud Galery | Veteranenstr. 21 | 10119 Berlin

Karma Ltd. Extended.com | Event @ Facebook

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