D/B Video Feature: Into The Cosmos by Architeq & Chopsy

“INTO THE COSMOS” is ChopsyAnimations (chopsyanimation.com) first foray into the world of music videos, a tie-in with music maker Architeq from Tirk Records.
Originally it was conceived as a short film by Chopsy (director Darren Robbie), with a simple premise: “what happens to all the old vinyl people used to play? From out of attics, rubbish bins & forgotten shelving, the records are summoned to an old warehouse by a mysterious ‘collector’.”

Using a combination of stop-frame, pixellation, live-action & time lapse animation, it was shot in a variety of locations around Bristol & was created by shooting entirely in camera whenever possible (at other times multiple passes were combined).

By shooting each frame within a specific timescale for the external shots, we see vinyl records interacting with the ever changing natural light & weather.

“The short film was created on & off over a period of 7 months by a bunch of friends between paid work, a real labour of love. It was shot in late winter earlier this year with the spring & summer being used to do all the post. All the records you see were cut before shooting, with new centre labels stuck onto them to create the desired visual effect of them spinning & bouncing through the ground, they were then animated on location using weighted rigs.”

Architeq added the music & sound effects after filming finished & the first edit was completed. Rigs were removed, different passes combined & shadows cleaned up in AfterEffects. Motion capture on location was achieved by using Dragon software on a laptop, which was in turn powered by a portable caravan battery.

http://www.chopsyanimation.com | http://www.myspace.com/architeq