D/B Recommended: Improcide II @ NK Projekt Berlin | Saturday, 01.09.2012

Improcide II is emerging from the first improcide meeting in 2011. “impro” is derived from improvisation, “cide” from, for instance, suicide.

The term is not used with negative connotations but because of its intensity and power.

Improvisation gets interesting when you get involved, when something´s at stake.

Improcide | Dresden

Free improvisation confronts you with yourself. You show your self. Without the security of minutely planned steps. The challenge is intensified by not knowing the constellation of the performing musicians within a known group.

A vast range of electronic music, noise, classical instruments, selfmade tone generators, contemporary music is comprised in improvisation. About 12 musicians will be matched in various combinations playing 20-minute sets.

Improcide | Dresden

The constellations will be put togehter on the night of the event according to random principle, taken for granted and explored in free improvisation.

Going for the craziest, most extreme thing you can possibly do. A balancing act between control, chaos and silence. Check out the NK website for information on the participating artists.

Improcide II

Saturday, 01 September 2012 | 22:00 CET
NK Projekt | Elsenstr. 52 | 2.Hinterhaus, Etage 2 | 12059 Berlin/Neukölln

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