Hyperdelia with Kajsa Lindgren at Volksbühne Roter Salon / Wednesday, 24.10.2018

Last year in March Hyperdelia set shop at Roter Salon for the first time – to celebrate its first release of the Berlin based ensemble Serenus Zeitblom Oktett, with the unforgettable accompaniment of Joe Snape, Kinder Meccano and a video installation by Roman Hagenbrock. Now Hyperdelia is back to massage the velvet walls and to welcome WOMB, the debut LP by Kajsa Lindgren, released in June 2018. For this we have travelled from the jazzy outer space into the depth of the sea – where WOMB was recorded and reamped, arranged for aqua ears: for LP home listening but also as a pool and web installation. Tonight, Kajsa has put on her airy perceptors and presents an installation-arrangement of WOMB. On top of that there will be future sonic engineerings from the hyperdeliac universes.

Hyperdelia with Kajsa Lindgren

Wednesday, 24th October 2018 | Starts 22:00 CET
Volksbühne Roter Salon | Linienstr. 227 | 10178 Berlin

Volksbühne Berlin | Hyperdelia on Bandcamp | Event @ Facebook

Photo © Kajsa Lindgren

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