HEIMATFRONT / domestic front – a dance performance by MS Schrittmacher at Theaterdiscounter / Saturday, 19.11.2016

In HEIMATFRONT – Das Desaster lässt grüßen (domestic front – The disaster says hello) MS Schrittmacher puts the question, how long we can ignore the exploiting and martial consequences of our lifestyle in the comfort zone of Europe. Rare earths in smartphones, the cheap shirt from the sweatshop factory, the unfairly traded cup of coffee – our daily lifestyle is based on exploitation and creates conflicts and wars.

A fact that we are so clear about until we suppress it. For our comfortable lifestyle we wage a war of wealth whose frontlines are spread all over the globe. But the migration of refugees driven by desperation, the brutal escalation of conflicts throughout the world and the increasing of terrorism in Europe make it more and more difficult for us to look away. The disaster that our affluent societies carried out to the world is returning home to its origin.


How will our view and our actions change when the front of our war of wealth is coming closer and becomes a domestic front? What to do when you face the consequences of your wealthy lifestyle and when the possibility to suppress is almost gone? Three performers name the martial and inhuman aspects of our prosperity. They confront themselves and the audience, avoid the unavoidable and are forced to take action. A musician and a video artist record directly the abstruse fight of the performers and produce sound and video sequences out of it which create again and again new contexts and ludicrous spaces. With their eye for the grotesque in the real MS Schrittmacher put their finger on the wound in this absurd fight for prosperity and dignity.

The war which seems to be the war of the others is coming home and turns the comfort zone into the domestic front.

HEIMATFRONT / domestic front – The disaster says hello | A dance performance by MS Schrittmacher at Theaterdiscounter

Saturday, 19st November 2016 | 20:00 CET / further performances: November 20/22/23
THEATERDISCOUNTER | Klosterstraße 44 | 10179 Berlin

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