We talk about the journeys on which music can take us, but really, where do we go? The rock club? The record store? The mall? Online? No way; the trip is internal. Inside our minds, maybe our souls. That’s where we go.Listening as a shared experience is somewhat of a false ideal.
Happy Jawbone Family | Mr Clean
We don’t know what the Happy Jawbone Family Band will sound like to you. We don’t know what you’ve heard, what you’ve lived through. What you see is solely based on your own experiences. It can be the greatest vista you’ve ever encountered, the life of your mind.Someone makes a mixtape for you, and you can guess as to its intent, but only the compiler can tell you what it means.
Happy Jawbone Family | Fireflies Made Out of Dust
Happy Jawbone did that earlier this year with Tastes The Broom, the introduction of freewheeling Brattleboro, Vermont rock/folk wonderments the Happy Jawbone Family Band, to Mexican Summer. This self-titled effort serves as the fulfillment of that work. Levels are set. Since the vinyl edition sold out in a matter of weeks, we assume that the record-buying public agrees with the Happy Jawbone Family Band.
Jimmy Trash (Trashfest/Gunpowder Temple of Heaven/Jimmy Trash Orchestra) and Big Daddy Mugglestone (Assdroids/Sacred Travellers/Cheap Paper Toys) play songs inspired by ancient Persian poets, Voodoo rhythms, Zoroastrian Creed and Hermetic Philosophy. Combining cyclical music and ritual with the chanting of sacred texts, they engage the audience in a rhythmic orgy of fear and fortune, death the release
Happy Jawbone Family Band & Jimmy Trash w/ Big Daddy Mugglestone LIVE
presented by Eine Welt aus Hack
Wednesday, 12 Febuary 2014 | 20:00 CET
West Germany | Skalitzer Str. 133 | 10999 Berlin/Kreuzberg
eineweltaushack.com| happyjawbone.com | Facebook Event