Go!Zilla + Fornet at Schokoladen / Thursday, 11.10.2018

“Modern Jungle’s Prisoners” is the Go!Zilla comeback record after 2 years from the last release. It’s the beginning of a new sound adventure for the 5 italians – formed by Luca Landi (voice and guitar), Mattia Biagiotti (guitar), Fabio Ricciolo (drums), Niccolò Odori (Synth and percussions) and Federico Sereni (bass) – from the psych rock to the search of new sound territories to give life to a concept album about the mental captivity in the urban jungle. A special collaboration with Enrico Gabrielli (Pj Harvey, Calibro 35 etc) that plays sax in “Falling Down Ground” and the german Thomas Hoepker, author of the picture in the front cover: a murales of a forest in the South Bronx that describe exactly what “Modern Jungle’s Prisoners is. Out on April 27th 2018 for the french label Teenage Menopause RDS.

Fornet creates poignant and nonconformist post-punk in the rural scenery of Limburg, Belgium. Monotonous rhythms display the quintet’s kraut influences, while gleaming grooves and knife-edged guitars consistently appear in the foreground. Cold-blooded, straightforward patterns make amends for the five piece’s unorthodox flows in an overall noisy package which consistently sounds provocative and captivating.


Thursday, 11th October 2018 | Doors 19:00 CET | Starts 20:00 CET
Schokoladen | Ackerstrasse 169/170 | 10115

gozillaband.com | vi.be/fornet | Event @ Facebook

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