D/B Recommended: Faux Images IV @ LEAP Berlin | Tuesday, 13.12.2011

“Faux Images” is a regular meeting, which provides a platform for showing and exchanging work and networking for the Berlin animation and motion design scene.

Besides the opportunity for artists to present themselves and their work, central to “Faux Images” is the idea of community and mutual inspiration.
At each meeting, local and international filmmakers, designers and artists from related disciplines are invited to present their work through lectures and screening.

“Faux Images” is organised by Andreas Fischer & Mate Steinforth in cooperation with the Lab for Electronic Arts and Performance (LEAP) and WeAreChopChop.

Faux Images | Trailer #3

“Faux Images” will take place quarterly in LEAP at Alexanderplatz in Berlin.
Admission is free.

With contributions and talks by ROBERT SEIDEL, FONS SCHIEDON and BEN & JULIA.

with talks by Robert Seidel, Fons Schiedon and Ben & Julia

Tuesday, 13 December 2011 | 20:00 CET
LEAP | Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 13, Berlin Carree, 1st floor | 10178 Berlin/Mitte

fauximages.de | robertseidel.com | fonsschiedon.com | benandjulia.com | leapknecht.de