Fanboys Teaser/Trailer

Set in 1998, the film, starring Jay Baruchel, Tony Award Winner Dan Fogler, Sam Huntington, Chris Marquette, and Kristen Bell is a heart-warming comedy that follows a group of young, passionate STAR WARS fans on a cross-country quest to break into George Lucas Skywalker Ranch and watch STAR WARS: EPISODE 1- THE PHANTOM MENACE, before its released.


Director: Kyle Newman
Writers (WGA): Ernest Cline (screenplay) and Adam F. Goldberg (screenplay)
Release Date: 13 February 2009 (Iceland) more
Genre: Adventure | Comedy | Crime | Drama more
Tagline: In 1998, five friends stole their way into history. more
Plot: “Star Wars” fans travel to Skywalker Ranch to steal an early copy of “Episode I: The Phantom Menace”.