Electric Indigo

Electric Indigo works as musician, composer and DJ. She started her DJ career in 1989 in Vienna and worked at the legendary Hard Wax record store in Berlin from 1993 to 1996. In 1998, she created female:pressure, an international database for female artists in the fields of electronic music and digital arts which got an Honorary Mention at Prix Ars Electronica 2009. In 2012, she received the ‘oustand ing artist award’ in the category Computer Music and the national grant for composition 2013 from the Austrian Ministry for Arts and Culture. She makes music for concert spaces, clubs, sound installations and occasionally for stage plays and short films. In her compositions and live performances, she emphasizes the spatial-temporal placement of subtly elaborated sounds and structures, often generated from speech recordings. Electric Indigo shuttles between Vienna and Berlin. On Friday 7th of August, Electric Indigo will play at  KRAKE Festival, the annual Berlin based fes­ti­val for chal­leng­ing electronic music. You can find all information about the line-up and tickets by clicking on the link above.


1: It is such a relief to read an alternative opinion on the EU austerity program for Greece from a reputable source: link

2: I’m super happy when I have the chance to watch female artists emerge, release increasingly cool records, play cool gigs, getting more and more attention. Most recent examples from my perspective: Lower Order Ethics, Aleja Sanchez, Lena Willkens, We Will Fail, Sonae …

3: One of the most delightful lists I came across in the past weeks: link


What is the biggest inspiration for your music?
On the one hand , it is the machines / tools / devices I use to make music – both their possibilities and limitiations are inspiring. On the other hand , personal exchange with friends and acquaintances who have similar interests but different perspectives is my most valuable source of inspiration. Attentive listening to all kind of sounds but especially in nature is also extremely rewarding for me.

How and when did you get into making music?
It was a consequence of being a DJ and developing an analytical hearing in order to accomplish decent DJ-mixes. I naturally became very interested in how sounds and rhythms were built and started to ask a lot of questions, learnt about the “classical” techno synthesizers and soon started to play around with these machines in other peoples’ studios. I took these very first steps in 1991 or 1992, I think. I bought my first synthies around 1994 but did not have much time to really get into music production at first.

What are your 5 favourite albums of all time?
Please let me have seven!
* Ø – Metri
* Suicide – The Second Album
* Missy Elliott – Under Construction
* Henry Purcell – Dido and Aeneas
* Kraftwerk – Computerwelt
* Robert Henke – Atom/Document
* Rhythm & Sound – w/ the artists

What do you associate with Berlin?
A lot of young, international people – either in party mode or working creatively, or both; the coolest techno club culture world wide where I feel at home; Hardwax; a very experienced and interested audience; some of my dearest friends.

What’s your favourite place in your town?
In summer: the Donauinsel, in general: the narrow streets in the historic center of Vienna and a restaurant in this area: Zum Finsteren Stern.

If there was no music in the world, what would you do instead?
I’d probably write, or I’d make colorful objects. Or I’d make beautiful packaging :-)

What was the last record you bought?
Gustav – Verlass die Stadt. I realised that I did not have it yet …

Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Jenny Holzer. It would be such a challenge to create a sound sculpture with her.

What was your best gig (as performer or spectator)?
I find it always very hard to highlight a single performance as “the best” or even “very good”. I’ve been djing for over 25 years, playing live for over 10 years, even if not that often, and I had a lot of fulfilling experiences on stage. But I also can’t help to reflect and untarnished enthusiasm hardly ever occurs to me – especially, when it comes to my own performances or achievements, then it is kind of impossible. I actually have to go way back to a time before I knew much about music: I once saw the J.B.’s live and they totally blew me away with their improvised precision funk. Usually, I’m most excited when I feel idealism and a caring attitude behind the scenes and in the audience. Commitment, endeavor, open mindedness, attention to detail, thoughtfulness of the involved makers and consumers, or ideally prosumers, impresses me most and makes me very happy, too!

How important is technology to your creative process?
Technique and technology are extremely important, it has a direct impact on the result (see answer 1). The structure of the musical pieces and their sounds are closely connected to the technological means I use to create. It is also indispensable for the reproduction or performance of my music – loudspeakers are instruments for me, for example.

Do you have siblings and how do they feel about your career?
Yes, I have two elder brothers. I think they are kind of proud of me but they cannot directly relate to the scene I’m involved in. They both are into music but have different preferences and they do not make their living with artistic work. However, they have a refreshing take on live in general and it can help me a great deal to have a good laugh with them!

Our Favourites:


Morpheme excerpt


Links: Soundcloud |  indigo-inc.at