D/B Recommended: Chor der Kulturen der Welt & National Jazz Trio of Scotland @ HKW Berlin | Friday, 14.12.2012

As a release part for their debut album “Up In The Woods” (a title taken from the Bon Iver cover) HKW’s house band the Chor der Kulturen der Welt (trans. Choir of world cultures) under the leadership of Barbara Morgenstern will give another of their fine recitals.

Support is by none other than the so-called National Jazz Trio of Scotland, a project started by exquisite pianist Bill Wells, who will give a performance of their brand new Christmas Album on Karaoke Kalk.

Founded in 2007 by Barbara Morgenstern, the Chor der Kulturen der Welt (trans. Choir of world cultures)  is the house band of the Haus der Kulturen der Welt – one of Berlin’s most distinctly conspicuous architechtural landmarks and most significant cultural institutions. Their goal is to create an international, cross-genre choral programm whose content and musicality is always in search of new horizons.

Das Haus der Kulturen der Welt | Foto: Sabine Wenzel

The repertoire stretches from pop through traditional material on to contemporary pieces as well as original compositions written specifically for the choir. The choir continues to offer performances both at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt as well as further afield. They have performed with the likes of Harmonia, Lappetites and Planning To Rock. And now with the release of their debut album “Down In The Woods”, the band can not only be witnessed in a live context but also to be taken home and enjoyed as a recording.

The National Jazz Trio of Scotland is just one of many things Bill does when not making music with Aidan Moffat. Their actual debut was a track recorded with Chris ‘Beans’ Geddes from Belle and Sebastian on vibes, Frozen Vaults, released as the National Jazz Trio of Scotland with Beans. In the last few years, as well as the award-winning Everything’s Getting Older, Bill’s made records in collaboration with Maher Shalal Hash Baz, Tap, Stefan Schneider (To Rococo Rot) and Barbara Morgenstern – many of which have been released by Karaoke Kalk. Last year, Double6 released Lemondale – a labour of love which featured some of Bill’s favourite Japanese musicians – including Tenniscoats, the extraordinary singer Kazumi Nikaido.


Chor der Kulturen der Welt & National Jazz Trio of Scotland LIVE

Friday, 14 Dezember 2012 | 20:00 CET Free Entry
Haus der Kulturen der Welt | John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10 | 10557 Berlin/Mitte
