D/B Artist Feature: Blue Daisy feat. LaNote

23 year old London based artist Blue Daisy who just recently released his debut. Wunderful minimal late night ambient space beats with a stunning whiff of voice. Highy Recommended.
[audio:Space Ex.mp3]

‘Imagine yourself in a box, a normal four-by-four box, and you’re sitting in there, and you’ve got little holes to breathe….and different atmospheres are coming in- you’ve got the cold air coming in, the hot air coming in, and it overwhelms you.
You pass out and wake up again in the same box, but that box becomes a new world. So now, where you’re sitting, it’s not a box anymore, the box becomes what you want it to be- it becomes your world. And that’s what I try to do with my music; you’re listening to my music but I don’t want you to just listen to it, I want it to grab you and sit you in the middle of the track.’ BLUE DAISY

Blue Daisy [featuring LaNote] / Space Ex

