Blind Signal #3 with Driftmachine featuring Mika Shkurat and UCC Harlo at Galiläakirche / Friday, 29.09.2017

Blind Signal presents Berlin-based artists who have been known for their ability to unveil the (un)concrete reality of sounds. The idea is to catch organic signals, transferring them into sonic pieces which put listeners on an auditory journey. This series of events is hosted in a Godless church, which has been transformed into the museum of GDR resistance, in the heart of Friedrichshain.

Modular synth duo Driftmachine (DE) started as a workshop where Andreas Gerth and Florian Zimmer, producers of an extensive back-catalog of records and projects, focused on synth exploration and searched for a new approach for groove and bass-driven music. The project steadily evolved and the duo ended up releasing several albums on the acclaimed Mexico-based experimental imprint Umor Rex. Third modular system is played live as an independent instrument by Mika Shkurat (UA), a visual artist from Kiev. Co-existing in the same space, sharing and extending Driftmachine’s aesthetics, video system creates rough and impressive visual guidance to the duo’s sound. Video synthesis, sampled video fragments, feedback loops created with a monitor and multiple video-cameras are all employed to spit out vibrant and uncompromising visual substance.

UCC Harlo (US/DE) the most recent project of Annie Garlid. She proposes sonic reconciliations between the old and the new and contemplates post-post-internet-age relationships to the natural world. A a classically trained viola player and singer, many of her sound projects use samples of her own performances of medieval, Renaissance, and baroque music as their starting point. Others begin from scratch and channel influences as disparate as noise, minimalism, left-field house, and early vocal polyphony.

For Blind Signal, she will perform an immersive live set that responds to this special ’Godless church’, a venue which is unique in its abandoned role as sacred space, its brutalist cathedral aesthetic, and its reverberant acoustic. The set will integrate live vocals, guest instrumentalists, and music by Magister Zacharias, Solage, and others.

This third edition is part of the first Month of Contemporary Music in Berlin, presented by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin / field notes.

Blind Signal #3 with Driftmachine featuring Mika Shkurat / UCC Harlo at Galiläakirche

Hosted by the Jugend[widerstands]museum Galiläakirche
Galiläakirche | Galiläakirche, Rigaer Straße 9 | 10247 Berlin
Doors open at 7PM | concerts end at 10PM

Driftmachine| Blind Signal| Event @ Facebook

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