AUT Fest at Acud / Friday, 11.11 – Saturday, 12.11.2016

AUT FEST is a yearly festival devoted to creative music, avant-jazz and experimental electronic music. Organized by Aut Records, label founded by Davide Lorenzon, the festival brings to Berlin 4 live acts from the label’s roster and 2 special formations that will be premiered at the festival.

On Friday 11th November, the duo Astma, consisting of Russian underground legend Alexei Borisov and powerful drummer Olga Nosova, will meet electronic wizard Bob Meanza.

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On Saturday 12th November, Italy’s most in-demand saxophonist Piero Bittolo Bon, Lebanese-born producer and DJ Rabih Beaini (formerly known as Morphosis), and italian percussionist Daniele De Santis will join forces for an unexpected mix of electronics and free improvisation.

AUT Fest

Friday 11th November – Saturday 12th November 2016 | 20:00 CET
Acud Macht Neu | Veteranenstraße 21| 10119 Berlin/Mitte | reserve tickets @email | Event @ Facebook

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