D/B Recommended: 2 Years Madame Claude Event in Berlin / 27.02.10

One of Berlin Kreuzberg’s very finest authentic lounge bars and concert venues, Madame Claude reaches the ripe old age of 2 at the end of the month.
The exceptional live program features concerts most nights including the weekly “Experimontag” for experimental sounds and a fortnightly “Campfire Session” for singer-songwriters.

The venue is run by a tireless team of Frenchmen to whom we say a warm “congratulations” on the occasion of their 2nd anniversary – its sure to be a good party packed full of DJs and sepcial guests.

One of this charming venues most unique features is the lounge where everything has been meticulously placed upside down. It is this loving attention to detail, also evident in the music program and bar staff, that makes Mme Claude such a stand-out location amongst the Berlin night-life and sub-culture.

Taking their motto “Bar For Common People” from the Pulp song, this bar is however anything but common. True, all may be welcome, but what awaits them in this Kreuzberg basement is something quite extraordinary.

Lübbener Str. 19 10997 Berlin


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